My second grade class has been very busy. In science we FINALLY finished the weather unit!! I think I was more excited then my class was to finally be moving on. We did many activities to keep it fun and interesting though. In social studies we learned about Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving! My goal has been to include as many hands-on activities as possible! Hints all the pictures! Since my last post I also taught my reading unit on cause and effect using the story, Head, Body, Legs. I am excited that I can check that off my to do list! Below are pictures of a few of the activities that I have done with my class.
The second graders created a weather mobile to show all the types of weather that we learned about in our unit! We also included severe weather such as hurricane, tornado, and thunderstorm.
My class was so excited to learn all about snow. So, what better way to learn then to dress a gingerbread person for a severe snow storm! They were very creative including ice skates, earmuffs, and shovels! They turned out super cute and they loved hearing about snow days!

We also learned about the four different types of clouds and created a foldable to show what each of them looks like. Along with the clouds I read to the class, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which they seemed to really enjoy by the sounds of their laughter.
The last thing we did in our weather unit was create a water cycle bracelet to show each of the steps. They were very fashionable!

For Veteran's Day each student was given a bag with the pieces to create a veteran. They were in charge of putting the pieces together. They turned out super cute and they loved putting the pieces together. I can thank pinterest for this awesome idea!
For Veteran's Day each student was given a bag with the pieces to create a veteran. They were in charge of putting the pieces together. They turned out super cute and they loved putting the pieces together. I can thank pinterest for this awesome idea!
My class has been great and they love all the different activities that I am bringing in to the classroom. Make sure that you check back soon so you can see all of the fun places that I have visited! To all my friends and family in Ohio, I hope that you are staying warm and dry! I hear there this plenty of the water cycle taking place up there! I miss you all and will be back before you know it!